Primary Classroom News

Foundation A

Dear FA families,

The start of term 4 has been an exciting one for both the students and myself. I have had such a wonderful time getting to know each and every one of the vibrant and unique personalities we have in FA. Thank you to all of the parents and staff who have made me feel so welcomed in the Sirius College community.

Although a short time, it has been amazing to see the students’ progress so far. Our focus in literacy has been writing; how to write interesting sentences that make sense, with correct punctuation.

Students are thoroughly enjoying our science unit on living and non-living things. They have been exploring what is needed to stay alive and putting it into practise with their grass heads. A highlight for this topic was definitely the excursion to Myuna farm. Students had the opportunity to pat and feed various animals, ride ponies, milk goats and learn from real farmers what is needed to take care of farm animals.

I look forward to the remainder of the term.

Kind Regards,
Miss Hatzi